Monday, December 19, 2011

It's the Holiday Season...

Good gracious, it's only 4 days until Christmas Eve!! Ahhhh!!! I'm trying to wrap things up & get my act together because time is seriously running out! I've been trying to explain to Reese that it isn't exactly convenient for me to be holding her the bulk of the day, but she doesn't seem to care! The nerve of some babies... I tell ya.

We're hosting Christmas Eve as we normally do & we're doing our usual spread of appetizers instead of an actual meal. We'll do presents between my family & save Christmas morning to open presents between the four of us. Every Christmas I try to come up with something to make for breakfast & this year I think I'm going to do homemade cinnamon rolls. I saw a recipe on the Pioneer Woman's Christmas special that I may try. Click here to check it out.

Reese was a little fussy this weekend & we think it may have something to do with her stubborn diaper rash. The doctor wrote a prescription for Nystatin even though she didn't think it was a yeast infection. Her philosophy was that it couldn't hurt to try. So we started applying it on Sunday & her rash seems to be improving, thank goodness. She's been less fussy since yesterday, so maybe it had to do with discomfort associated with the rash. I feel so bad for her & it's been very stressful since we're doing everything we can & nothing has helped. So, we're crossing our fingers & toes that this clears it up.

I was very happy to spend the day with friends on Sunday since I've been feeling pretty isolated lately with staying inside most days with Reese. Initially Kelly text saying they might not be able to come over as planned because Leah was coughing & she didn't want to bring germs into the house. When I got her text, I was so disappointed that I started crying! Oh the joy of postpartum hormones! Luckily Leah started feeling better & they came after all. Samantha is 5 weeks old today & Reese turned 5 weeks yesterday. They're going to be the best of friends!

We made Jeff Mauro's Chicago Italian beef recipe for Sunday's football meal. It was seriously to die for! Granted, I'm biased since I'm from Chicago & I'm the one who made it, but it really was delish! Click here for the recipe... it was super easy to throw together.

I'm going to try my best to get more presents wrapped today, but that will depend on how well Reese cooperates. My mom is here again this week, thank goodness, because Reese prefers to sleep while being held. As much as I adore snuggling with my munchkin, it's so hard to shower or brush my teeth, let alone get stuff done around the house! But it'll all get done some way or another.. it always does! And if it doesn't? Christmas will still go on & it won't be the end of the world. Maybe my New Year's resolution for 2012 should be to let some things go. Ha! Who am I kidding? Why make a resolution I likely cannot keep?! ;o)

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  1. The five of us open presents on Christmas? Have we added a member to our family that I don't know about? :)

    Man your dad's camera takes much better pics than our point and shoot. Nice post, toots!

  2. Ha! What a moron I am!! I meant four, not five.. I'll go ahead & fix that now. Thanks for pointing out my mistakes, Mike!
