Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One Week Old

Yesterday Reese hit the one week mark! I meant to blog but time got away from me... imagine that. Mike went back to work yesterday & today but my mom is staying with us through Thanksgiving. Mike will be home with us tomorrow through Friday which I'm really looking forward to since we're taking our annual trip to pick our Christmas tree on Friday.

We've had a really smooth week with Reese & it truly feels like she's been in our lives forever. She has been such an amazingly easy baby, never crying unless it's time to eat. Basically all she's doing is eating, sleeping, dirtying diapers & sleeping some more. She's even doing awesome at night which is something we're so not used to since Cam had been up every two hours for the first couple of months at least. We'll see if she keeps up the good work!

Reese was able to meet her two best friends on Saturday. Baby Taylor is six months old & Samantha was born a day after Reese! Kelly came to the hospital to visit us on the day Reese was born & ended up going into labor that very night! It is SO cool that our girls are only a day apart!

I'm loving my time off from work & just soaking up every moment with Reese. My little Cam has been home from daycare the past two weeks so I've been making sure he's getting plenty of love and attention. Having my mom here helps tons with that since I was able to take him outside yesterday to play & ride bikes. He's been adjusting really well & absolutely adores his sister. We've had some meltdowns for sure & I'm just keeping my patience since I know we're all adjusting. But so far we're adjusting better than I ever imagined!

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