Sunday, August 2, 2009

Poker night at Cakey Manor!

Last night we went to Matt & Kelly's for poker night & had a really great time. Well, that was until Cam decided to wake up around 10ish & not go back to sleep until we were forced to leave at around 11pm. Poor Mike spent the entire hour trying to get him back to sleep, but it wasn't to be; his teething must have been really bothering him. In the end Matt & I decided to split the pot & we called it a night because not only was Cam clearly not going back to sleep, but Mike was feeling terribly too (yet again, one of us got sick from the various germs Cam brought in from day care).

The rest of the gang stuck around & played a second game, but I was happy to be leaving $15 richer. Yeah, I'm a high roller. That's how I play!

It's the whole gang.. minus Matt. But, see
below b/c I gave him a shout out!

Look at me, bringing in the cash!

It's the Greens. Both wearing Green!
Can you get any cuter?

Here's Matt. He is one swell guy; charming,
handsome & intelligent! (over e-mail, I promised
I would blog about him & say such flattering things).
But these things all happen to be true!

Party foul! Mike spilled my drink &
broke the champagne flute!


  1. The infamous "champagne flute crash" happened mere seconds after you were raking in those chips, you can see the flute right behind your left elbow. :( Sorry Matt and Kelly!!!

  2. Don't worry about the flute, no worries. I had a great time with you guys, I am sorry you had to leave but there will be many more Cakey poker parties in the future.
