Sunday, November 13, 2011

40 Week Update

Tomorrow I'll be considered 40 weeks pregnant but since we're checking into the hospital tonight in hopes of meeting our baby girl tomorrow, I'm posting a day early. I cannot believe the day is here & that Reese actually waited! What a good girl! I'm thankful that tonight we'll be calmly driving to the hospital while I know Cam is safe & sound, sleeping in his own bed with my mom staying at our house to take care of him. I've had a lot of anxiety leading to this day but I'm surprisingly calm today. I guess because I know the day is here & we're going in & everything is going to happen regardless of what I'm thinking or worrying about.

How am I feeling? All in all, I'm feeling really good. A lot of my hip/pelvic aches & pains have subsided & I really think it's because my hips are widening as Reese is dropping. I've been having insane charley-horse type cramps in my hips & butt lately. They literally stop me in my tracks & I feel like I'm going to just fall to the ground! I've been really, really tired lately which is weird because I've been sleeping great. I think it's just my brain knowing that the full nights of sleep are going to end as of tomorrow.

Any new changes this week? Just on & off contractions, some pretty strong. Today I've been feeling a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions too. Otherwise, no other changes going on. We have everything set for Reese & for our time away in the hospital for while my mom is staying with Cam. I'm not sure what to expect tonight, but I guess I'll find out when we get to the hospital at 10pm. I'm thinking they'll use that cervical gel tonight & then get things going tomorrow morning with Pitocin. Not sure if sleep is in the cards tonight?

Weight gain? 17.5 pounds total which is pretty much exactly what I gained with Cam. I lost some weight this week because of fluid imbalances. I was retaining some major fluid last week & since I've been home & more relaxed, my swelling has gone WAY down.

This has been the weekend of Cam. We've wanted to soak up our one-on-one time with him before his baby sister arrives. Check out his blog to see more pictures from our weekend together. I'm really going to miss my little guy while we're in the hospital! He's been an absolute joy lately & full of love & affection. I'm praying he reacts well to meeting his sister & I really think he will. I know we'll have an adjustment period with ups & downs but I do think he's going to be a fantastic big brother!

Well, my next blog post will be all about Reese so stay tuned!

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